
Good News On The Horizon For Street Animals?


I received two pieces of good news yesterday.

The first was a forwarded message from a feeder in the Shah Alam area saying she met the MBSA dog unit who informed her that they no longer send captured dogs to PAWS anymore. Instead, the caught dogs will be neutered and released! The staff was polite and friendly too. They even said that they had come to check because of complaints, but if said dogs did not chase people, they would not catch them. Can you believe this???

The second news was a facebook post which says that MPKL (Majlis Perbandaran Kuala Langat) is doing Trap-Neuter-Release exercise now. This facebooker met up with the MBKL van at the vet’s where the dog unit had come to deliver a group of newly-caught dogs (to be neutered at the vet’s) and to collect a group of already-neutered dogs. The already-neutered ones were donned a new collar with a badge. The facebooker described that the staff were doing the job with respect and compassion for the dogs too.

Please click here to read the post.

Is this really happening in our country?  It looks like it!!!

If you remember, there was a highlight about the MPKL pound sometime last year. As for MBSA, there was also an issue a few months ago about a planned dog hunt which was called off after animal lovers brought it to light.

Does it take such incidents to institute change? Perhaps it does, but the change is very positive. Kudos to those who are willing to make changes by adopting more compassionate options.

Just a note here about putting collars for neutered dogs. If you remember, Ipoh uses red collars for neutered dogs, but there were many cases of puppies who grew up and they died being choked to death on such collars because the collars became too tight and they probably had no caregiver.

Could we ask that collars not be used? An ear-notch would suffice. Otherwise, do not put collars on neutered puppies, only on neutered adult dogs, assuming that the collars and badges are a necessity for identification purposes?

Better still, please ensure there is the M=Manage component whereby the neutered animals are under a caregiver.

Read all about CNRM.

By-laws aside (these are not going to change unless the politicians are willing to change them), if we have reasonable and compassionate council staff, street animals will still stand a chance for kinder treatment. Kudos to MBSA and MPKL staff for their compassion.


The post Good news on the horizon for street animals? appeared first on AnimalCare.

Source: https://animalcare.my/2024/06/23/good-news-on-horizon-for-st..




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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