Catys Surgery Today (Koo Swee Pors)
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Here’s what happened today:
Hi Dr Chan,
vet0.jpg: Today, I took her to the vet on my half-day leave from work.
She was on fast from food and water from 2am before her vetappointment at 10am. She has finished all her antibiotics and wastreated with eyedrops and was fed with Vetri DMG without fail inaddition of being housed in a safe, clean and stress-free environmentwith nutritious food and clean water always available. I’m sure Iwould have prep her for surgery as best as I can.
vet1.jpg: She went into the carrier without fuss, whisked into the carand we were off to the vet. She was well-behaved and seemedcomfortable but apprehensive during the journey.
vet2.jpg: Caty underwent a quick check-up before surgery. The vet saidthat the eye definitely has to be removed whereas before there was asmall chance that it could be saved. The vet also noted that herwheezing has worsened and depending on how her eye removal surgerywent, the spaying may be aborted. However, the good news is that herlumps in the stomach which could be unborn kittens have disappeared soshe was unlikely to be pregnant. She has also gained weight from herlast visit. Her temperature was also ok so she did not have any fever.
vet3.jpg: I visited her after office hours and she was such a sorrysight. She refuse to face anyone and was on drips. She would be keptovernight for observation due to complications from her spaying asthere were cysts and as a result, her uterus was larger than usualsize. The vet added that it was a prudent decision to to spay herbecause we would have waited in vain for the delivery of hernon-existent kittens and Caty would have died if the cysts burstinside her. One of her ears has been v-notched to denote her spayedstatus because she may still show signs of false pregnancies and beingin heat for another 6 months if one of those cysts has burst earlier.The vet would call me tomorrow if she recovered enough for me to takeher back.
Thanks and best regards,
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