Cow Mau woke me up at 3.30am this morning.

I wasn’t sure if he just wanted companionship or he was hungry. So I sat with him for awhile then decided to offer some food.
Managed to feed him some Hill’s KD but the stickiness of the food still irritates his mouth and I didn’t want to create more stress from him. Otherwise, the mere smell or thought of food might just turn him off. I already made the cold Hill’s food into small lumps so that he could swallow it more easily, but the texture of the food still irritates him.
The important thing now is that I have to create as pleasant an experience as I can for him during meal times.
So I switched back to the raw chicken. And I managed to feed him a bit more food. He still paws, though, but it is definitely less than before.
He is still not eating by himself, but he swallows the food when I place it in his mouth.
Ever since eating chicken, at least he is more alert and has a bit more energy.
I fed him some Japanese food too and ended with small amounts of water by syringe. I noticed yesterday that for water, I need to feed from the corner of the left side of his mouth.
We know the pain is more on the right side. 1ml at one go is still too much. It is has to about 0.2ml each time. For some reason, he prefers food to liquids. I haven’t figured out why yet.
And yet, hydration is what he needs and for Cow Mau’s case, it is so much safer for him to drink water than to get the hydration through subcut.
Yesterday, I saw Cow Mau going to the water bowls, and he placed his mouth near the surface of the water, but he didn’t drink any. Then he went to the next bowl and did the same. So I quickly fed him some water by syringe.
Today is our appointment later in the morning. I hope the vet will be able to advise more on how to feed him and what kinds of food to prioritise.
Last night, I was relieved that Cow Mau’s SRR had come down to 24. This is really good. His breathing is so much better now.

He loves sitting on my lap, if possible, as long as he can!
Precious moments!
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