Cow Mau passed away peacefully at 8.55pm tonight, surrounded by his family.
We had actually just returned from the vet’s after his 3rd laser therapy and I was supposed to give him more water orally. But he already started rejecting fluids. I even bought new Japanese milk for him and had a new medication to help with his hypomotility issue.
We took him to the vet’s because I was worried that he had not defecated ever since I started feeding him chicken. The vet palpated and said he wasn’t constipated. To be sure, the vet took an ultrasound of his stomach and intestines and found that he didn’t have many stools and was definitely not constipated at all. Perhaps this is because raw chicken is easily digestible and most of it is absorbed. There was, however, his lunch, still in his stomach. The delay in digestion is called hypomotility and so the vet prescribed a medication to help with this. Since we were there, we did his 3rd laser treatment too.
But the vet said Cow Mau was very dehydrated and I should try to give him 210ml liquids daily since he could not be given subcut fluids.
I had planned to do all that was advised, but it was not to be so.
After we came home, Cow Mau rejected everything and I knew that was a sign. Ming-Yi and Yui Ping came by and Ming-Yi helped me stay with Cow Mau all the way until the end.
We shall mourn our loss now.
We would like to thank our vets and all of our friends and readers who have been following Cow Mau’s journey closely. Thank you so much for your kind wishes. It really means a lot to us.
We have lost our oldest cat.
Cow Mau, Bunny and Pole were my very, very first rescues. I learnt how to care for neonates because of them and they inspired me to start AnimalCare.
Cow Mau was FIV+ but so tough all his life. He was also a very, very caring cat.
We will miss him tremendously.

Cow Mau (7th May 2006 – 23rd Mar 2024). Our most empathetic cat and my loyal friend.
It’s too late to get flowers so these are flowers from our garden.

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