I managed to feed Indy a very small dinner of the Japanese milk.
Ming-Yi dropped by after work to visit him too.

He’s been hiding under the bed, which has been his favourite spot for quite long now. To get to him, I need to remove one of the tunnels and go from the back, which is just a narrow space between the bed and the wall.
I also found Indy sitting down on his back legs with his front legs up just now, which is an achievement.
I had not given him any food yesterday after coming back from the vet’s because his condition was critical and the vet had told me to stop all food. We still do not know what triggered the very scary bloody vomitus in the morning. On the way in the car, Indy also vomited out his breakfast of Hill’s KD canned food. So I’m rather phobic about giving him this food again. I don’t want to trigger another bout of vomiting so soon. He had already lost so much blood through the three rounds of vomiting on Sunday.
I just checked on him and he’s awake and very alert.
Tomorrow will be another day and I’ll see what ideas I dare to try. Today’s was the Japanese milk and he did not reject it, which is already an achievement in itself.
The post Near-midnight check on Indy appeared first on AnimalCare.
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