Goodness me, what is that big word, Pogonatherum?
It’s what we called, affectionately, “Heidi’s Grass” because Heidi was the one who “discovered” it at the playground and that’s how we brought it back to plant. The cats love it and I think it might have medicinal value. They simply love munching on it.
So it’s scientific name is Poganotherum while it’s common name is simply, Slender Tuft Grass.
We used to have a lot at Bunny’s Place but over time, they all died. For the past few weeks, the Blondies have been looking and looking for any tiny bits of the grass to chew on. Poor things.
So this morning, husband went to out to look for some. He didn’t find much, but he brought some back.

Wow!!! Grass!!! Grass!!!!!

There is another species that is slightly smaller and more delicate-looking.

Happiness is having grass to eat!!
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