Now, about Tabs.
Tabs’ reading shows a slight progression.
This is not surprising because Tabs has PKD on top of the CKD. Or to be more accurate, the PKD is causing the CKD.
Her SDMA has increased from 12 to 14 (borderline). But the creatinine has remained the same, which is good.
Her urea, however, shot up to 16.6 and the vet thinks it’s because she isn’t drinking enough water. But then again, Tabs has always had a history of high urea whenever she visits the vet. She is a scaredy cat and gets stressed up easily.
I forgot to give her Gabapentin this morning, before the vet’s visit. I did think of it, but I’m also trying to avoid drugs as much as possible.
Tabs had an ultrasound taken to check on her PKD. The cysts are still there, as before. There is nothing we can do about them. They have probably been there all her life. It’s a genetic condition.
Tabs is on Oligosaccharide Chitosan for the PKD, so all supplements to be maintained. This includes her renal supplements too. The amoung of subcut fluids also to be maintained along with the Amlodipine to keep her blood pressure under control.
Tabs hasn’t been having good appetite lately. But she is also a choosy cat, so it’s hard to tell but I think there is inappetence. The vet said this could be due to the discomfort caused by the many fluid-filled cysts in her. We could not risk doing a fine needle aspiration (FNA) to draw out the fluids today because Tabs was too stressed. Any movement during the FNA could be dangerous.
However, Tabs has lost weight too, since January when she was 5.1kg. Today, she is 4.6kg, but she has been 4.6kg throughout the last two months or so. The vet told me to monitor Tab’s weight.
For the possible discomfort caused by the cysts, the vet prescribed daily transdermal Gabapentin for a week to see if appetite improves. If it does, I can taper it down gradually.
So, in conclusion, for Tabs, there is slight progression of her kidney condition. Perhaps the stem cell therapy has helped. Otherwise, the progression could be faster. A random blood test in December 2023 showed she was at Stage 3, but she went back down to Stage 2 after daily subcut. She has remained in Stage 2 now.
The vet says Tabs has to eat more and drink more water. I’ll figured out how to do this.
Got to drink more water and eat more, Tabs.
If only Ginger could “give” some of his weight to Tabs, right?
The post Tabs to the vet’s for 1st check-up after stem cell therapy appeared first on AnimalCare.
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