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Monday, 15th Apr 2024, by AnimalCare

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Late afternoon today, we were alerted to a commotion right outside our house.

It was the next-door neighbour and she said a lorry driver had passed by and told her a cat (it was Misty, we found out later) was chasing a cobra away in front of her house. It was a big one, the driver said.

The moment I heard that, I quickly grabbed Gerald and brought him into the house and coaxed Misty to come in as well. Luckily, she obliged.

I got both into the house. Safe.

The driver said both cobra and cat were posturing. I shudder to even imagine this, but both Gerald and Misty were safe inside the house and I was not going to let them out.

The neighbours looked under their cars but could not find the cobra. They called Bomba too and Bomba said if they did not see it (yes, they did not, the lorry driver did), they wouldn’t come.

Oh dear….

I took out whatever Clorox I had left and husband poured it into the drains. The smell is supposed to deter these reptiles, I was told. A long time ago, I learnt that sulphur does not work anymore these days as it’s very diluted and not “pure” anymore.

I had an appointment tonight and thought of cancelling, but it would involve someone losing her wages so I went, but I asked husband to buy more Clorox and stay back to look after the cats.

I came home before 8pm and the moment I stepped out of my car, oh no….it saw the snake right there, lying against the wall next to our front door. I must have screamed in fright because the neighbour later called to ask what had happened.

It was there. Right there! It really was a big one too.

I quickly came in through Stargate to Ginger’s Catio and after composing myself, I called 999. I was directed to the Civil Defence Forces. They asked me to go out and look if it’s still there and they will only come if it is because they have “many cases”.

I told them point-blank that I wasn’t going out to look again. I’m terrified. I already saw it lying right there, so can they just please come?

Perhaps I sounded terrified enough so they finally asked for my location.

Meanwhile, my neighbour called to ask what my screaming was all about and I told him.

We waited patiently and finally the Civil Defence arrived.

It wasn’t at that spot anymore by the time they arrived which was perhaps more than 30 minutes later. They checked the garden and could not find anything at all. So they left.

On hindsight now, perhaps it was a mistake to pour Clorox into the drains because it won’t be able to escape along the drains back to the monsoon drain downhill. Perhaps that is why it came onto the surface.

Or was it because of Misty’s scent because Misty attacked it earlier. Where I saw it was Misty’s spot.

I really don’t know.

It’s been a very terrifying night and I don’t think I can sleep tonight.

Gerald and Misty are safe inside the house.

Updates at 10.34pm: All the cats are inside the house now except Minnie. I cannot get her to come in. Still trying.

The post A night of terror appeared first on AnimalCare.

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