Tabs didn’t seem affected by the incident. Maybe she didn’t know about it at all.
But I must say that her appetite and demeanour have improved after we changed the subcut fluids to 150ml daily.
The only changes we did are: (1) daily Gabapentin, (2) Renal-Combi twice a day instead of once and (3) Subcut fluids increase to 150ml instead of 200ml three times a week.
Again, I cannot be sure which worked. Maybe all of them?
I also try to give her the AIM supplement daily. But this will run out soon and I don’t know of anyone going to Japan anytime in the near future.
Doing subcut.
I’m glad she has shown improvement in the quality of life.
Tabs has PCKD (polycystic chronic kidney disease). It is a genetic structural deformation of the kidneys and she was born with it. There is no cure for this; only palliative care. We have given her stem cell therapy and she is on various supplements.