Grey went for his check-up on Wednesday, which is after 10 days of medication.

From Soo Farng:
Today’s follow up visit with the senior vet. My first time meeting him. Very gentle, soft spoke and knowledgeable. He explained Grey’s condition very clearly with X-ray and drawings. Giving Grey 3 months on Methycobal 500mg. (Prescribed 1 month for next visit). He taught me how to gently squeeze his bladder to induce urine so he won’t pee everywhere. He wrote a prescription for me get a medicine (Diazepam) from pharmacy as he doesn’t have it in his clinic. This can help to relax his muscle so he can control his pee. This medicine need to take together with another to protect his liver and cannot be given long term.
Soo Farng, as Grey’s primary caregiver, has a good feeling that Grey may walk normally again, but the incontinence is a real challenge as Grey drips urine all over the house.
Meanwhile, one of our friends has shared the following very useful websites on feline incontinence:
Soo Farng says the vet informed her that acupuncture might help too. Soo Farng has since already made an appointment with the animal physiotherapist and she might take Grey to see a vet-acupuncturist as well.

Steps for Grey to walk down. But he is not able to walk up yet.

This shows many all the urine spots due to the incontinence. That’s how much cleaning is involved all day.
Kudos to Soo Farng for rescuing and taking care of Grey.
If you would like to contribute towards Grey’s medical expenses, please write to me at Soo Farng will be sending in another medical claim soon. Thank you!
The post Updates on Grey (from Lee Soo Farng) appeared first on AnimalCare.
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