Ming-Yi found local sellers who sell some of the AIM food and supplements. So I’ve ordered and they have arrived. But these would be sellers who probably only managed to obtain a small quantity of stock (like 4-5 packs only).
But among all the three brands of food and supplements (containing AIM) that my friends helped me buy from Japan, Tabs loves this one the most. The brand is Marukan and we cannot find a local seller who has this.
In fact, Tabs loves it so much until she asks for seconds. Asking for seconds has never happened with Tabs before. Not even sapu habis. Tabs is not the neatest eater, she always leaves food behind. She doesn’t lick the platter clean.
If you remember, Tabs didn’t have good appetite when she went for her check-up and the vet suspects it could be the cysts that are pressing on her organs making her feel discomfort, hence, she was prescribed transdermal Gabapentin for possible pain (to be tapered down after a week).
But at the same time, I had already started Tabs on the AIM food and supplements. I only needed the Gabapentin for three days after which Tabs suddenly had such good appetite so I decided to stop the Gabapentin altogether and monitor her demeanour.
She seems to be much happier and more active now. Her appetite has improved and she can eat three times daily now. Last time, even getting her to eat one meal was a challenge.
Aha…so, what’s giving her better wellbeing?
We can now rule out the Gabapentin because even without it, she’s good.
That leaves the following:
1. Increased subcut fluids – 150ml daily
2. Double dose of Renal-Combi and 2 Azodyl capsules per day
3. The AIM food
I don’t know which is it, but I’m carrying on with all!
P.S. Gerald is still whining for no apparent reason.
The post Tabs and her AIM food appeared first on AnimalCare.
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