After two days of “moderate” whining, Gerald decided to restart on High mode….at 2.45am this morning.
This is why I’m up and writing this blogpost now.
I was fast asleep after a really tiring day yesterday and for no apparent reason (or a reason unknown to me), Gerald started whining at 2.45am. Initially I thought of ignoring him, but because it’s in the still of the night and every neighbour must be surely fast asleep, I had to get up to see what the matter was.
Of course there was no matter.
He just wanted to whine.
I knew it’ll be useless but I still offered food, which he ate.
His whining not only woke me up, but also woke up the Blondies, Riley and Tabs.
Then, after eating, he started whining again.
I’ll have to do everything I can to stop him before the neighbours complain.
In the quiet still of the night, the whining will be “very loud”.
P.S. We also discovered that there is another reason why we should keep Gerald and Misty indoors. When they were roaming freely, they have always liked to go to a particular neighbour’s house to chill out after eating and these are nice neighbours (not the complaining type) and Gerald and Misty have been defecating there. I have tried training Gerald and Misty to use the litter box in the porch initially, but this project failed miserably. If we give them the freedom of space, usually cats don’t defecate where they eat; they always go “somewhere else” to do it.
I remember long, long ago, before we had cats, a friend who loved cats told us this too. He had his own cat and he would take his cat out on a leash to defecate. Then, he would be picking up other cats’ faeces from his own garden, which he did not mind at all because he loved cats. He was the one who told us that cats will always go “somewhere else” to defecate. It’s the cat’s nature.
But then again, how many cat lovers can we find who don’t mind picking up cat poo from other people’s cats, right? And even though Gerald and Misty were community cats and not “mine” per se, as long as you feed ’em, people will always think they are yours.
So this is another problem CNRM-ers in a housing estate would face. I used to know of one vet who would send her domestic helper to clean up other people’s compounds because her cats defecated there. She even sent her helper to clean other neighbours’ cars if they complained that her cats dirtied their cars.
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