I heard faint mewing from the neighbour’s roof and Misty bounded ever so happily to greet her best friend, Gerald, coming back from somewhere, as usual.
Gerald’s back for dinner!

Gerald likes canned food.

And I invited both of them in.

I also closed the door to see how they would react. After eating, Gerald immediately started whining loudly. He went upstairs too. Misty hid behind the curtains.
Finally, the whining was too much, so I opened the door and Gerald went back out to the porch.

Misty followed like a magnet stuck to Gerald.
Now, Gerald’s gone and Misty is atop one of our cars. I opened the door several times to invite her in, but she doesn’t want to come in.
Maybe Misty recognises our porch as her territory and is more comfortable there.
The post Gerald came back for dinner appeared first on AnimalCare.
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