Indra’s stools are still pasty.
I think she must have known that I want to monitor her stools so she did it for me to see to save me the trouble to sifting through hours of CCTV footage!

I pounded the Pro-Fibre (which the vet affectionately calls “rabbit food” because it looks like that!) and encapsulated the powder.
Also, I made a serendipitous mistake by buying Size 1 empty capsules. I don’t know if the packet was wrongly labelled, but there are 3 sizes (Size 0 being the biggest, followed b Size 1 and Size 2 being the smallest). I guess I’d been buying Size 0 all this while. So now I’ve discovered that Size 1 is simply ideal for cats. It’s the medium sized one. But the disadvantage is, I’m so used to using Size 0, Tabs’ supplements are all measured by capsules so it looks like I would have to buy Size 0 for Tabs, but for the Blondies, Size 1 is so easy to pill! I don’t even have to shove it down their throats, but plonk in and Indra swallows it.

The vet prescribed Promax for a total of 3 days only. Hopefully, Indra’s loose stools firm up by tomorrow.
Otherwise, I might have to use the “rabbit food” option again, which was what I discovered after researching through so many internet articles when Indy had the persistent loose stools (also bloody stools, as in literally, “bloody”) for 7 weeks. Spent so much money many ruling out so many conditions including pancreatitis and finally found out it was an allergy to chicken! So by giving him some raw rabbit meat, the problem resolved itself. It was a case of having eaten a certain protein for too long until the body grows allergic to it.
The Blondies don’t get as much protein rotation as the Monsters simply because they are SO incredibly choosy.
So, please wish me luck in trying to solve Indra’s problem.
The funny thing is that both Kai and Akira also had loose stools, but I managed to resolve theirs by just giving them steamed pumpkin. This did not work for Indra.
The post Indra’s loose stools appeared first on AnimalCare.
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