Day Two With Dalton State College Students 12/05/2..
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|Day two with Dalton State College Students (12/05/2024)|
Day two was a packed day, as we the TCS team together with Dalton State College Students were checking on the traps we placed in day one.
We had our traps placed at oil palm plantation and stream below the highway. We managed to trap a small fish and an eel. It was not our target but it was exciting to see that we have captured something instead of nothing.
We also decided place a bigger trap at Kemaman river to see whether we could catch a terrapin. Another trap was set at a Tasik Bungkus, a natural wetland.
Despite the language barrier, both our locals and students are having some good bond and time by sharing local delicacy like ketupat and visiting oil palm plantation.
We are excited to share this whole week with them.
Do follow us to know what are we up to next!
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