Sweet Kohglang Arrived With Both Hind Legs Disloca..
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Sweet Kohglang arrived with both hind legs dislocated and a further pelvic fracture. Horrifically, she had suffered these injuries simply because she was seen as a nuisance. 💔
Our veterinary team described her suffering as deep pain. 😥
While Kohglang was being treated in our hospital, it became clear that the ordeal had caused irreparable damage to her right hind leg. Attempting to bring healing to the damaged nerves, the veterinary team’s care plan included laser physiotherapy, the water treadmill, massage and other means of treatment. They continued treatment for nearly 6 months.
But instead of improvement, over time they saw deterioration.
She began to drag the leg, struggling to walk, knuckling on her right hind paw in the few steps she could muster. The weight of the right leg put further pressure on her already fragile pelvis and left hip.
Kohglang was only 3 years old. A life of pain is no life for a young dog. She deserved to be happy, healthy, safe and pain-free. The veterinary team decided that amputation was the right choice so that this young girl could have the happy life she deserved.
Look at Kohglang now – she is healthy, happy and no longer in pain🌼✨
You can help more dogs live the life they deserve. Please donate now: https://links.soidog.org/give-dogs-like-kohglang-their-shot-at-happiness
Source: https://www.facebook.com/416170950540747/posts/8524750069103..
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