
Thank You To Everyone Who Applied For Rasma 2024 Y..


🎉🌱 Thank you to everyone who applied for RASMA 2024! Your enthusiasm for environmental action is truly inspiring. 🙌 Stay tuned to our social media channels for updates and more opportunities to get involved in making a positive impact! 🌍💚 Let’s continue this journey together!

A huge shoutout to our supporters @YayasanHasanah and @MinistryOfFinance, along with our collaboration partner @TheHabitatFoundation 🙌 Let’s create positive change together! #RootsAndShoots #VolunteerOpportunity #MakeADifference

🎉🌱 Thank you to everyone who applied for RASMA 2024! Your enthusiasm for environmental action is truly inspiring. 🙌 Stay tuned to our social media channels for updates and more opportunities to get involved in making a positive impact! 🌍💚 Let’s continue this journey together!

A huge shoutout to our supporters @YayasanHasanah and @MinistryOfFinance, along with our collaboration partner @TheHabitatFoundation 🙌 Let’s create positive change together! #RootsAndShoots #VolunteerOpportunity #MakeADifference

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=864912838999400&set=..


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