E-Mech Engineering Solutions Pte Ltd 2. ,. ,. 100...
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由衷感谢E-MECH ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS PTE LTD 捐赠了马币2万块给予希望护生园. 这不仅是一个数字, 更是对我们所做工作的认可和支持,更是对这些无家可归的动物们无私的爱和关怀的具体体现。这笔捐款的到来意味着更多的食物、医疗和温暖的床铺,让这些毛孩们可以感受到人类的温暖和关怀.
尽管我们已经将这笔善款全数用于偿还医药费, 但由于医药费欠下的数额实在太庞大,我们仍然面临着巨大的挑战.
我们深知,单靠一次性的捐赠无法解决长期面临的财务问题. 因此,我们正在寻求更多的支持和努力,以确保希望护生园能够继续为流浪动物们提供必要的医疗和生活支持. 我们将不懈努力,与社区各界合作,寻找可持续的解决方案,确保每一位动物都能得到应有的关爱和帮助.
在这里真切希望能再次获得大家的帮助,每一只都是自鬼门关前救起或是无法生存在街头的流浪毛孩,您的捐助,100% 将直接受惠于牠们。
如果有能力的朋友,也希望您能够加入我们的每月助养计划,通过定期信用卡自动扣款 RM50 / RM100 / RM200 的方式来让我们的小毛孩们有一个更加安稳的生活,每天只需最少RM1.66 就可以帮助到我们许多。而所有的捐款都是能够扣税的。
❤️一份祝福 = RM50 = 毛孩的粮食费
Maybank 5012-0808-5710
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
❤️扫描我们的 TNG/Duitnow QR 快捷捐款
( 请注意 如在其他Shopee商店看到有我们的募捐,那统统都是骗人的 请协助举报)
We extend our sincerest gratitude to E-MECH ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS PTE LTD for their generous donation of RM20,000 to HOPE 希望护生园. This contribution is not merely a figure, but a recognition and support of the work we do, as well as a tangible expression of selfless love and care for these homeless animals. The arrival of this donation signifies more food, medical supplies, and warm beds, allowing these furry companions to feel the warmth and care of humanity.
Although we have allocated the entire donation towards settling medical expenses, the staggering amount of outstanding medical bills continues to pose significant challenges for us.
We are fully aware that one-time donations alone cannot resolve the long-term financial issues we face. Therefore, we are actively seeking further support and effort to ensure that HOPE 希望护生园 can continue to provide essential medical and living support for stray animals. We are committed to relentless efforts and collaboration with various sectors of the community to find sustainable solutions, ensuring that every animal receives the love and assistance they deserve.
Once again, our heartfelt thanks go to E-MECH ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS PTE LTD for their kind donation. Your support means a lot to us. We look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future, contributing our efforts to the cause of animal welfare.
Here, we sincerely hope to receive your help again. Each one of them is either rescued from the brink of death or cannot survive on the streets. Your donation, 100%, will directly benefit them.
For friends who have the ability, we also hope you can join our monthly sponsorship plan, allowing our little furry friends to have a more stable life through regular credit card automatic deductions of RM50 / RM100 / RM200. With just RM1.66 a day, you can help many of us. And all donations are tax-deductible.
Thank you for your enthusiastic support for public welfare. Donation methods can refer to the following ways:
❤️ One blessing = RM50 = food expenses for a furry kid
Maybank 5012-0808-5710
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
❤️ One-time donation:
❤️ Scan our TNG/Duitnow/Grab QR code for quick donations
QR code is in the comments section
❤️ Join us as a monthly sponsor for our 3,000 furry kids, providing regular and fixed donations every month
❤️ Shop online and donate at our Shopee charity shop
❤️ International donations via PAYPAL
#DonateWithHeart Tax-deductible donations
(After making a donation, please message us to request a tax receipt)
(Please note: If you see any fundraising for us in other Shopee stores, it’s all scams. Please help report them.)
Let’s gather the power of love together, let’s help the strays!
Source: https://www.facebook.com/642057554615782/posts/8308580090690..
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