Marisa had a dream the night before adoption drive … read about her dream here. The first time we went to her place but we couldn’t see her. The second time we called her name. We then saw a cute fluff ball running towards the gate to welcome us. She is still as cheeky but she has surely put on loads of weight! Do you bring snacks for me auntie Sam & April? How are the furry friends in the shelter? Let me show you around…. This is my own room.A spacious area with plants n lil windows for me to peek out…. nice rite? I love my chic blue food bowl too! Blue is the new black now! My mama loves me…. She bought me loads of Jerhigh! Mama, can I have some Jerhigh… puhlease??! Jerhigh me Likey~ *do you notice my fluffy tail?* I love my lil master too… she walks me during the weekend =D As greedy as ever…. So Fairy godmother, can you tell how much weight did I put on since I got adopted? That tells how happy I am now! Thank you everyone for giving me multiple chances, be with me when I was down for tick fever, sponsoring my hefty medical bill, offering me foster homes when i need intensive care… moving from vets to vets, foster homes after another, I have finally found my forever home…. Thank you fairy godmother for making my dream come true
I love y’all =) *muaks muaks muaks*
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