
Hi Mddb, Please Help To Share Below Post. Puppy Fo..


Hi MDDB, please help to share below post.

Puppy for adoption

Name: Rainbow

Gender: Male

Age: 2 months

Location: Semenyih

Contact: 0149252305 Alycia

Rainbow was found in a drain during an evening walk with my pets. I am not able to keep as my senior dogs are not friendly with him. He is looking for a lovely home.


Hi MDDB, please help to share below post.

Puppy for adoption
Name: Rainbow
Gender: Male
Age: 2 months
Location: Semenyih
Contact: 0149252305 Alycia
Rainbow was found in a drain during an evening walk with my pets. I am not able to keep as my senior dogs are not friendly with him. He is looking for a lovely home.


Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=728662812635579&set=..



Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better

Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better is a canine welfare programme initiated by non-profit organisation Community Development and Integration Initiative (CDII).

MDDB's main activities revolve around rescuing dogs from the local council pounds as well as off the streets. Once they have been rescued, the dogs are vaccinated and neutered before being put up for adoption.

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