One Last Look Back At 2020 Soidog20years. Despite ..
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One last look back at 2020 #SoiDog20Years 🧡
Despite pandemic restrictions, a record 121,707 animals passed through our spay/neuter programme (known as CNVR – Catch, Neuter, Vaccinate, Return) during 2020. This figure was aided by the launching of an eighth mobile team in August.
December saw the surpassing of half-a-million animals neutered and vaccinated since 2003! The 500,000th dog to be neutered and vaccinated – Gao Na, meaning ‘progress’ – is pictured in photo two.
To celebrate this milestone, we had a little help from friends of the foundation Ricky Gervais, Peter Egan, Joanna Lumley, Dame Judi Dench, Bernadette Peters, Mo Monchanok, Peter Denman and Maria Poonlertlarp who featured in a celebratory film which you can watch here:
Still fighting on various fronts to end the barbaric dog meat trade in Asia, Soi Dog also partnered with ARK119 (Animals Rescue Korea 119) during the year to help combat the trade in South Korea.
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