
Pee-Ka-Boo. Exciting News Orangutan Photos From Gu..


Pee-ka-boo! 🦧

📸 Exciting news! 🌿🐵 Orangutan photos from Gunung Lesong, Sarawak, just in time for International Orangutan Day!

While locals have whispered stories of this elusive creature, this marks the first camera trap images of the primate for the area. Three individuals in two different locations – a male, and a female orangutan with her baby were recorded. This stresses that forests outside Gunung Lesong National Park are also home to orangutans 🌳🌳

Together, researchers and stakeholders such as government agencies and local communities are working to conserve this area. WWF-Malaysia uses camera traps to collect biodiversity data. The camera traps also captured orangutans and are a perfect surprise as we get ready to celebrate International Orangutan Day tomorrow!

#InternationalOrangutanDay #SaveWildlife #SaveForests #Orangutan #GreatApe #JungleFriends #TogetherPossible #wwfmy #sarawak #Borneo #cameratrap

Source: https://www.facebook.com/638140668356355/posts/6770507377986..



WWF Malaysia

WWF-Malaysia is a national conservation trust that currently runs conversation projects covering a diverse range of environmental protection & nature conservation in Malaysia. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

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