One Of The Reasons Local Councils Go All Out To Ca..
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One of the reasons local councils go all out to catch dogs is because of people like these. Herewith messgea exchanged amongst members of a residents’ association. They come acrosd as well placed people but sadly kindness and compassion is not their priority.
1) Dear fellow residents of xxxxxx
I have written this before and now, once again, I’m compelled to write another round of the same message here in this group. This time, *I urge the elected members of the xxxxxx committee to fulfil your mandate* and take necessary steps to resolve this issue once and for all.
This is regarding the *issue of stray dogs that we have been unable to settle for months*. The authoritied have been taking necessary steps to help by fixing traps in areas where the stray dogs are commonly seen.
But *due to some so called “animal lovers” and self-proclaimed saviours, all of xxxxxx attempts to trap these stray dogs have failed*. Some who claim to be “kind” to animals/dogs have been closing these traps or releasing the trapped stray dogs. *xxx xx has also informed that there is a so called “kind soul” from a home in Jalan xxxxxx who has been continuously feeding these stray dogs despite being told not to do so*.
Xxxxx and the relevant authorities have reverted with the same feedback time and time again, that *the community here is not cooperative with xxxxx because of these so called “saviours” who have been disrupting all of xxxxxx’s attempts in solving this issue*.
To these “saviours”, I suggest first, to educate yourself in the fact that *stary dogs are no different from rats that carry rabies and other countless diseases*. They walk into all of our homes and carry this DANGER with them. *We are already known as a hotspot for dengue. Do we want to become a hotspot for rabies as well?* Leaving our community exposed to this danger of stray dogs walking around carrying diseases, is equivalent to us allowing our neighborhood to be a nuclear waste dump. *It’s a clear and present DANGER*.
Second, *these stary dogs are a DANGER to the children, legal pets and property in our community*. They have already destroyed so many things in and around my home, I can’t imagine what they have done to others. *Are we waiting for these dogs to bite, infect and kill our children, neighbours and legitimate vaccinated pets before we take action?* To the “saviours”, are you willing to take the consequences of these possibilities? *Do you want to be held legally responsible for endangering the lives of our entire community here?* To the xxxxx committee, are we going to wait for an incident to happen before we take action?
Third, *dear “saviours” if you have such sympathy and love for stray dogs (more than your own children, pets and neighbours), I suggest you adopt _ALL_ the strays into your own home and be legally responsible for them*. If you cannot do that, then stop feeding these dogs, stop encouraging them to breed, stop protecting them and stop releasing them. Let the authorities do their job and take them to proper shelters.
We are all educated experienced adults here. So let’s act like it. I apologise for my rude language but I am left with no choice. I urge the committee of xxxxxx to take action or necessary steps to curb this problem asap.
2) Dear fellow resident who scripted this message, I’m sure Your concerns are shared by 99% of us!
I, like many neighbours have children & grandchildren – these marauding dogs are a menace (I’d like to see them ‘terminated’)!
It would be wonderful if you could join forces & head up a ‘Stray Dog Control Task Force!’
Please help to propose action & necessary steps, in addition to xxxxxx’s Pest Control?
Thanks & kind regards
3) Some of the RA Committee will be at the xxxx on Saturday at 10:00hrs – if anyone wants a chat / ☕ / share some ideas – please drop by.
One of the reasons local councils go all out to catch dogs is because of people like these. Herewith messgea exchanged amongst members of a residents’ association. They come acrosd as well placed people but sadly kindness and compassion is not their priority.
1) Dear fellow residents of xxxxxx
I have written this before and now, once again, I’m compelled to write another round of the same message here in this group. This time, *I urge the elected members of the xxxxxx committee to fulfil your mandate* and take necessary steps to resolve this issue once and for all.
This is regarding the *issue of stray dogs that we have been unable to settle for months*. The authoritied have been taking necessary steps to help by fixing traps in areas where the stray dogs are commonly seen.
But *due to some so called “animal lovers” and self-proclaimed saviours, all of xxxxxx attempts to trap these stray dogs have failed*. Some who claim to be “kind” to animals/dogs have been closing these traps or releasing the trapped stray dogs. *xxx xx has also informed that there is a so called “kind soul” from a home in Jalan xxxxxx who has been continuously feeding these stray dogs despite being told not to do so*.
Xxxxx and the relevant authorities have reverted with the same feedback time and time again, that *the community here is not cooperative with xxxxx because of these so called “saviours” who have been disrupting all of xxxxxx’s attempts in solving this issue*.
To these “saviours”, I suggest first, to educate yourself in the fact that *stary dogs are no different from rats that carry rabies and other countless diseases*. They walk into all of our homes and carry this DANGER with them. *We are already known as a hotspot for dengue. Do we want to become a hotspot for rabies as well?* Leaving our community exposed to this danger of stray dogs walking around carrying diseases, is equivalent to us allowing our neighborhood to be a nuclear waste dump. *It’s a clear and present DANGER*.
Second, *these stary dogs are a DANGER to the children, legal pets and property in our community*. They have already destroyed so many things in and around my home, I can’t imagine what they have done to others. *Are we waiting for these dogs to bite, infect and kill our children, neighbours and legitimate vaccinated pets before we take action?* To the “saviours”, are you willing to take the consequences of these possibilities? *Do you want to be held legally responsible for endangering the lives of our entire community here?* To the xxxxx committee, are we going to wait for an incident to happen before we take action?
Third, *dear “saviours” if you have such sympathy and love for stray dogs (more than your own children, pets and neighbours), I suggest you adopt _ALL_ the strays into your own home and be legally responsible for them*. If you cannot do that, then stop feeding these dogs, stop encouraging them to breed, stop protecting them and stop releasing them. Let the authorities do their job and take them to proper shelters.
We are all educated experienced adults here. So let’s act like it. I apologise for my rude language but I am left with no choice. I urge the committee of xxxxxx to take action or necessary steps to curb this problem asap.
2) Dear fellow resident who scripted this message, I’m sure Your concerns are shared by 99% of us!
I, like many neighbours have children & grandchildren – these marauding dogs are a menace (I’d like to see them ‘terminated’)!
It would be wonderful if you could join forces & head up a ‘Stray Dog Control Task Force!’
Please help to propose action & necessary steps, in addition to xxxxxx’s Pest Control?
Thanks & kind regards
3) Some of the RA Committee will be at the xxxx on Saturday at 10:00hrs – if anyone wants a chat / ☕ / share some ideas – please drop by.
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