
Emergency For Dogs In Egypt. Today We've Been Resp..



Today we’ve been responding to crises from two shelters in the Cairo / Giza area who are in grave danger. The heat is supposed to hit 107 degrees next week. Here in the desert sun, it’s actually much hotter.


1. SHADE: covers need to be bought to stretch overhead and provide shade for the dogs

2. POOLS: water to drink and submerge is essential for the dogs to cool themselves

3. FOOD: one of these two shelters is only feeding the dogs 3-4 days a week as they can’t afford food.

Most of you who are reading this know of Harmony Fund already. We are a USA-based charity helping underdog animal rescue squads across the planet. Right now, we’re so concerned about these dogs in Egypt. We need help to provide for them as best as we can. Obviously, the conditions the dogs live in far from ideal, but there are things we can do to help. Your donations today will immediately bring some comfort to these dogs. Cost for food, shade and water pools this week is expected to run over $5,000. We would be grateful for any help, every bit of help.


Source: https://www.facebook.com/354155423409147/posts/6417991313114..



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