
Subsidy For Kitten (Liyana Ismails, From Sarawak)


From Liyana:

Dear Dr Chan,
My name isLiyanaIsmail and I recently emailed you, sharing a story about a kitten named Puss. Not long after that, another kitten come to live with us. The mother is the stray cat that colonise our residential block. She gave birth to two kittens on 21/2/2012 (I have the pic of the newborn kitten) within a month one of it died (according to our neighbour).
I came to bring the kitten and it’s mum back to my place as I found them at the stair at 2am and it was the time when stray dogs come to find food in the rubbish bin. The dogs is known to climb as high as the second floor, where the cats were sleeping. I bring them home. The idea was simple. To provide shelter and food for the cat while the mum take care of the kitten. All is well for a few days until the mating season starts. The mother starts abandoning the kitten since three days ago and since then I walk around to find the mother at night since the poor kitten still need to drink milk. And everyday the mother will escape to mating call. I tried to feed the kitten some wetfood and soaked kibbles. He only ate a little and I have to use spoon to give the kitten some water. My housemate gonna try to find powder kitten milk formula (we don’t have fridge) and milk bottle tomorrow.
The kitten vomitted few times, and this morning, we noticed the vomit contained a worm. We’re discussing about sending him to vet for deworming and neutering. However the kitten is only 1 month old. Is the procedures safe for such a young kitten? Is it possible to apply the AnimalCare medical fund as the kitten is a stray cat and we’re under tight student budget. Thank you for your time and I hope you can advise us.

I replied and advised Liyana to get the kitten to the nearest vet and deworming was most likely necessary as a worm had been vomited out already. Also, powdered kitten formula can be used, even without having a fridge, but the milk would have to be discarded after use. However, if the mum could be caught and confined in a cage with the kitten, she may still be able to breastfeed the kitten, which is better than any formula.

He is big! I thought he was at least about 2 months old. But I found his pic (the mum gives birth in a box by a busy coridor) when he was first born and gasp to realised he was barely 1 month old. I think it is because he didn’t have a sibling to share the milk with.
I’m located at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan, Sarawak. I spotted a vet clinic nearby, however I haven’t paid a visit there yet. Based on Google, I found out the address and phone number.If I’m not mistaken it’s the same vet that try to catch Brown (the poor dog at Kota Samarahan).
I’m planning to spay the mum too. In that case, I was hoping to borrow cage or carrier to bring her to the vet clinic, and to confine her after spaying. The real problem with the cat colony in Unimas is the fact that people are keep dumping their cats here. Excluding Puss, I found at least three new cats with sweet personality as if they actually have a home before. There are more than 13 adult cats and at least 4 of them are adult female. I’d been planning to speuter them all, but at lost with the amount and the limited resource, especially transportation. So I guess, I start with the kitten and its mum.
I just catch the mum few hours ago, the kitten is breastfeeding at the moment. He seems to be very hungry.

We pledged to subsidise the spaying of the mum, and of course, the medical treatment for this kitten.

This morning we went to Toda’s Ark Veterinary Center to vaccinate and deworming the kitten.We also arranged appointment for spaying the mum at 14th April.We named the kitten Boyot because of his round tummy. The vaccination and deworming cost RM30 plus RM5 for registration. I bought milk powder and a cage for used later on when the we’re going to speuter the stray cats.
The kitten had poo twice this morning. At first the stool is firm, after that it become softer. Other than that, Boyot is well. He’s active and played a lot. At the moment the mother is breastfeeding him.
Attached are few pictures including the receipt for vaccination (the .
I will send the subsidy form and original receipt to your address tomorrow.
p/s: Regarding spay/neutering fee, I asked the vet and he said it depends on the cat itself.

The receipt arrived just now, and we have subsidised RM22.50 for the treatment.

Next, will be the spaying of the mum.

We are always very happy to know of young people participating in the CNRM process. After all, they are our future. We depend on them to carry the torch to the next generation.

Good job, Liyana!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/04/02/subsidy-for-kitten-liyana-ismails-from-sarawak/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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