
40 41. The Weather Has Been Extremely Hot Recently..


最近天气特别酷热,除了担心人中暑之外,也别忽视了毛孩们,狗狗没有健全的散热系统,身体很容易过热,当狗狗的提问升高至40度时候,就是中度中暑了 ,若超过41度,属于重度中暑,可危及生命,然而轻度中暑却往往容易被忽略,以下是几个轻度中暑的标准参考,还有解决中暑情况的步骤,铲屎官可以收藏和转发。


The weather has been extremely hot recently. In addition to worrying about heatstroke, don’t ignore the furkids.

When the dog’s temperature rises to 40 degrees, it’s moderate heatstroke. If it exceeds 41 degrees, it belongs to severe heat stroke, which can be life-threatening. However, mild heat stroke is often easily overlooked. The following are a few standard references for mild heat stroke, as well as steps to solve heat stroke.

It is also worth noting that the body temperature regulation function of furkids is not as good as that of humans, so try to avoid rapid temperature changes, such as going directly from the hot outdoors to the air-conditioned room, or letting the dog stay in a hotter room during the day, when the owner comes back from the outside, suddenly turns on the air conditioner, which can lead to disorders of the central nervous system that regulates body temperature, resulting in chronic heat stroke.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/6229707760408..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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