
VERY URGENT: Kitten Fosterer/adopter Needed (Azlin Fauzis)



If you can help, please contact Azlin directly at0174433210 oralin_990@yahoo.com.

Updates from Azlin:

Hi dr chan tx alot for putting the add on9, currently the kittens are with their new owner..but the owner told me that d babies are having a hard time getting use to the mums nipple as they were bottle fed for few days..she requested on sending back the kittens to me but i ask her to at least try again..i really hope everything went well..cause i really cant take care of the kittens cause i have classes the whole day..is there any other options?

Updates at 9.07am:

Hi dr chan, i just get a phone call frm the owner..one of the babies had just died..the other one are still alive but very weak..they are nt responding well to mum coz they do not know hw to feed frm the mums nipple..the owner had tried everything but nothing happen..she are giving me back the kitten later at 11am..it looks like the baby need to b bottle feed..is there anyone can take care this poor baby? Im sorry fr any in convenient..

From Azlin Fauzi

Updates 9.21am:

They did poo yesterday..i think is because of the milk..but i get the milk from the vet.. Yes i will take back the kitten when its big enough n start to eat solids but if the person wants to adopt it, its ok

From Azlin Fauzi

I’ve contacted Megaa who might be able to help provided Azlin promise to take back the kitten after a certain period of time. Megaa will contact Azlin directly to make arrangements now.

We urge all requesters of fostering help to always specify a period of time for the fostering and to promise to take back once the kittens or pupies are at a “manageable” level. Once the eyes are open, it is more manageable and if need be (if there is really no other way) and if the kitten/puppy is healthy, four-hourly feeds are possible, though not ideal.

The bottom line is, not all fosterers can adopt their fosters; most of them have already adopted enough animals and their homes are full. So, let “fostering” be just fostering and not possible adopting or dumping. That way, more people would dare to volunteer.

All of us must do our parts. A volunteer fosterer is already heaven-sent. A fosterer who is willing to do the rehoming is an added bonus. A fosterer who is willing to adopt is a goddess from heaven.

UPDATES at 10.30am – Megaa has agreed to foster until a certain date when she travels overseas, and Azlin has agreed to take back then. Meanwhile, we will still work on getting another fosterer to take over should Azlin be unable to foster by then. Many, many thanks to Megaa, she is heaven-sent.


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/04/01/very-urgent-kitten-fostereradopter-needed-azlin-fauzis/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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