Vista Eye Specialist Mr. Bernard Kl. Mr. Bernard V..
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昨天早上,来自 VISTA Eye Specialist 的Mr. Bernard 从KL远到而来,并带着自家小孩一同探访希望护生园,进行实地动保教育,让小朋友也可以多了解这一块。
最后,Mr. Bernard 代表了Vista眼科慷慨捐赠了RM20, 000的善款予护生园,为园区的毛孩们增添多几分的温暖。
非常感谢各界的善心企业和民众持续的对HOPE希望护生园给予支持🙏 不论是转发各种帖文或是进行行动上的支持,亦或是定期的资助园区经费。
Yesterday morning, Mr. Bernard from VISTA Eye Specialist came from KL, and brought his own children to visit Hope Shelter, we simply briefing about the stray animals protection education, so that children can learn more about it.
When children saw the dogs injured and disability due to human abused, they repeatedly exclaimed why those people are so bad and cruel. To be honest, we don’t understand why they treat innocent fur kids like this, maybe it’s just because of complicated mindset of humans. ..
In the end, Mr. Bernard generously donated RM20,000 to the shelter on behalf of Vista Eyes Specialist, adding a bit more warmth to the furkids in shelter. We really grateful to the kind-hearted enterprises and the public for the continuously support to HOPE Shelter 🙏
With your support, more than 3,000 furkids in our shelter can live happily and we able keep going to rescue seriously injured furkids ❤️
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