Hey, Im Opia, And Im Someone Who Never Gives Up A ..
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Hey, I’m Opia, and I’m someone who never gives up – a true fighter you might say. 🐶
I spent the first year of my living at a temple here in Phuket, Thailand. There were some very kind people who helped to care for me, but after I was attacked by another dog they were unable to continue looking after me as I had some very bad wounds, which is how I found myself here at Soi Dog.
One of the first things people notice when they first meet me (other than how cute I am of course) is that my legs look a little different. My condition is a result of a congenital malformation in my front legs, which I was born with.
When I was a young pup, I was jealous of the other dogs and felt frustrated that I couldn’t run or even walk like them. But over time, I have come to love and accept myself – just the way I am. After all, there is only one of me in the whole wide world!
Being a special care dog means that I do need some extra special attention sometimes. Luckily, sponsorship really helps with this. By choosing to sponsor me, you can help to provide everything that is needed to help keep me healthy and happy.
And it’s not just sponsorship, it’s lasting friendship too. Although we’ve only just met, I can already tell that you’re the kind of friend I’d love to have in my life. If i’m the kind of friend that you’d like to have too, please click here to find out more about how to become my sponsor: https://links.soidog.org/will-you-give-opia-the-gift-of-your-friendship.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/416170950540747/posts/6114787976766..
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