
Kitten Fosterer Needed (Adi Solikins)


Updates at 4pm – Fosterer found!! Megaa Velayuthan (bless her kind heart!) has volunteered to foster until 17th April. Thank you very much, Megaa.


Adi Solikin wrote to say the kittens’ eyes are already open, so it isn’t so worrying. They are both doing fine. Adi needs a fosterer as she works all day and is unable to rush back at lunchtime to feed the kittens. Can anyone help, please?

Kindly contact Adi at 016-9468009. FB:Adi SolikinEmail: aweksakuragi@yahoo.com. Location: Hulu Kelang

From Adi:

Morning Dr. Chan,
Thank you very much for the post and for asking. unfortunately nobody responded yet. I have to left them at home unattended the whole day today as i couldnt get any help feeding them while i’m working. I couldnt go back home to feed them during lunch hour as my house is at setapak but i’m working at kelana jaya. Thats about 45mins away.
They are doing ok. They are not as young as i thought they would be. They already opened their eyes. They also already pooping n peeing as the black one (No.2) was covered in dry poop while the other one (No.1) pooped last night (pic). I didnt get to bring them to vet yesterday but i did talk to a vet over the phone and since they are defecating and active the vet said that they shud be ok. But of course he insisted me to bring them for check up and i will take them to the vet today.
No.1 is quite active and really strong it was hard to keep a hold on him. He kept meowing n moving around non-stop. No.2 is a bit quite and didnt move so much. But he also quite strong. Both of them are quite skinny, i can feel the bones. No.1 drank quite a lot, he has no problem feeding from the feeding bottle while No.2 didnt drink much. I had to force him a bit. Maybe he’s a bit uncomfortable using the feeding bottle. But this morning he did drink by himself.
I have 5cats and all of them are “anti-social”. They never get along with any other cats and now that I have those babies all of them are in a bad mood. One in particular turned so emo he even stayed away from the whole gang. But the babies are safe as i keep them inside a carrier and my cats dont even want to come near them so they are safe
Thank you again for your help. I do hope that someone will respond soon as I really dont want to left the babies at home unfed the whole day.
Adi Solikin.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/28/kitten-fosterer-needed-adi-solikins/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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