
In Loving Memory Of Gandhi-George



DT just texted to say her vet just informed her that Gandhi-George passed away moments ago.

We are deeply saddened to hear this and we extend our deepest condolences to DT and Gandhi’s rescuer, Choy-Foong, who is currently back in the U.S.

As I would always say, time is relative and lifespan is predetermined by something higher than all of us. Whatever remaining time Gandhi had, it was made beautiful by DT who immediately took on the task to provide him with all the medical care needed, and even saved both his legs. The night Choy-Foong sent the S.O.S., I texted DT and the very next morning, there was already a message from DT which said, “Yes, I will be happy to adopt Kitty” (that was his name at that time). That was knowing that Gandhi (Kitty) might have to lose both legs.

Gandhi (renamed by DT) was given the best possible veterinary care, had a surgery successfully performed to repair his legs and was thriving, until suddenly, today, DT received the devastating news that Gandhi had contracted a fatal virus.

It was the deadly feline parvo-virus, which causes Feline Panleukopenia.

Gandhi, being a street kitten, did not even have a chance to be vaccinated yet. Perhaps the parvo-virus was already dormant in him and it chose to rear its ugly head now.

There are some things we cannot change and some that we can, and we need the serenity and wisdom to know the difference, the energy to do our best and to let Nature decide on the bigger things in life.

We thank DT for giving Gandhi-George a good life. Time is relative, and Gandhi had a good life where he as preciously cared for.

May Gandhi-George be in a better place now, whole again, free from all suffering, on Rainbow Bridge.



Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/27/in-loving-memory-of-gandhi-george/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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