
Eng Ivy 250. Ivy Siacon Group, Built Up Furniture,..


(eng 👇🏻) 非常谢谢爱心朋友 Ivy 为自家狗狗 🐶妮妮🐶 举办生日派对,还不忘借机帮园区的浪孩们筹狗粮,在这场狗狗生日派对成功为园区浪浪们筹获了250包的狗粮!

大感谢Ivy和朋友们的爱心 😍 在此特别感激Siacon Group, Built Up Furniture, Perfect One Renovation的慷慨捐赠

和同时在线下的DDW的粉丝们的慷慨捐献, 狗粮已送达园区 ❤️ 非常感激每一位 🙏🏻

在生活中,大家其实真的可以用很多不同的方式来帮助收容所浪浪们募集粮食,帮帮园区减缓负担,因为每个月园区都要用到2,400包15KG的狗粮来喂饱三千多张口 😞

也想出一份力捐献狗粮的朋友们,留言区已放上捐助链接,感恩大家的爱 🙏🏻


Thank you very much to kind samaritan Miss Ivy for hosting a birthday party for her dog ​​”Nini”, and she did not forget to take the opportunity to help the shelter furries to raise dog food. In Nini’s birthday party, Ivy successfully raised 250 packs of dog food for our shelter doggos!

Big thanks to Ivy and friends 😍 Special thanks to Siacon Group, Built Up Furniture and Perfect One Renovation for their generous donations. Thanks to the generous donations from DDW fans at the same time, the dog food has been delivered to our shelter ❤️ We’re truly very grateful to everyone 🙏🏻

Everyone can really use many different ways to help the shelter furries to raise food and help our shelter to reduce the burden, because every month we uses 2,400 packs of 15KG dog food to feed more than 3,000 mouths 😞

Friends who also wish to contribute to donate dog food, the donation link has been placed in the comment section, we appreciate your kind support 🙏🏻

Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/5962636053782..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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