Eng. 30. 3,000. L. Maybank 5012-0808-5710. Persatu..
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(eng 👇🏻) 又又又是一只头卡在塑料罐里的浪浪!😩 呼吁大家勿再胡乱丢弃这样的塑料罐害浪浪了啦!比起之前救到的罐子狗,这只黑浪浪虚弱得多,已被罐子卡着不知道多少天了
黑浪浪顺利抓到脱罐送医后,健康状况不佳,还验出肝指数高 😞 现在在园区休养,我们为她取名黑娃,是只中年的母浪浪,看起来早前生了很多胎,实在辛苦她了
请大家合力做个顺手爱心,看到路边有罐子帮忙捡起丢进封闭的垃圾桶或送往回收,减少悲剧,拯救浪生命 🙏🏻
每天苦恼要吃什么的我们,有时会难以想象,在世界的某个角落,有个无助的生命连要吃上一口饭、喝口水,都是一个遥不可及的梦 😞
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希望大家可以帮帮园里3,000多只毛孩们度过难关 😢 感恩谢谢
一份帮助 l 一个希望,感恩
Maybank 5012-0808-5710
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
或 扫描我们的 TNG/Duitnow/Grab QR 快捷捐款
或 加入成为3,000只毛孩们的每月助养人
或 到我们的Shopee慈善小铺线上购物、捐款
SG Shopee:
(⚠️请注意⚠️ 如在其他Shopee商店看到有我们的募捐,那统统都是骗人的⚠️请协助举报)
或 通过PAYPAL国际捐款
或 加入HOPE群组,
Another stray with its head stuck in a plastic jar! 😩
Compared with the “jar dog” rescued before, this black stray doggie is much weaker. Her head has been stuck in the jar for an unknown number of days. She has been wobbling, unsteady when walking and is severely emaciated and dehydrated. It is hard to imagine the pain she’s going through.
After she was successfully caught and sent to the vet clinic, her health was not good, and her liver index was found to be high😞 Now she is recuperating in the shelter. We named her Hei Wa. She is a middle-aged female stray that seems to give birth many times before, she must’ve gone through a lot.
PLEASE NOT TO throw away such plastic jars! It kills.
We appeal to everyone if you see such a plastic jar on the road, please help to pick it up and throw it into the trash can properly or send it to recycling, so as to reduce such tragedies and save lives 🙏🏻
Let’s wish Hei Wa a speedy recovery 🙏🏻
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HOPE shelter was burdened with huge debts and our monthly expenses soared to RM300,000 since last year due to inflation. In fact, we have been forced to stop all the rescue works.
Please help more than 3,000 rescued furkids to tide over the difficulties 😢 Thanks a million.
(Donation is tax-deductible)
Maybank Account No.: 5012-0808-5710
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
OR scan our Duitnow/TNG/Grab QR below to donate.
The QR code is in the comments section.
OR sign up to be one of the Monthly Sponsor of our 3,000 rescued furkids: https://bit.ly/3ivgZd5
OR make online donation/shop at our Shopee charity store:
SG Shopee:
(Thanks to Shopee for NOT charging any transaction fees!
⚠️PLS TAKE NOTE⚠️ If you see our fundraising in other Shopee stores, it is a scam⚠️ Kindly help report to us)
OR make international donation through PAYPAL : payment@hopejb.org
OR join our HOPE group,
Gather the power of love and help the homeless animals together!
Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/5947090602003..
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