Eng Lecha. 2021. The Funniest In History Sleeping ..
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(eng 👇🏻) 史上最搞笑 😂 睡死也成功被领养!🤣🤣 和大家分享 ❤️ 上周六领养会园区的狗狗乐乐和猫猫Lecha找到家了 🥳🥳 祝福他们幸福快乐 ❤️
乐乐其实就是2021年我们救援的严重狗瘟+性病浪浪 “金金” (金金流浪时的惨况: https://rb.gy/0hzkyv)
而且一向来在园区活泼的她,不知道为什么一到会场就全程翻肚倒在地上摆烂,和宿醉一模一样,摇都摇不醒 😂 引起很多人的关注,看来这是她找家的独家战略 😂
大家可以滑一滑其他的活动照片,还有好多好乖的猫咪狗狗还在等家,可看看有没有合眼缘的毛孩纸 🙌🏻
The funniest in history 😂 Sleeping to death but still being adopted successfully! 🤣🤣 would love to share with you ❤️ Our rescued dog Lele and rescued cat Lecha found a home in the adoption drive last Saturday, wishing them all the best ❤️
Lele is actually “Jin Jin” who we rescued in 2021 with severe distemper disease + TVT tumor (Jin Jin’s previous plight: https://rb.gy/0hzkyv)
Afterwards, we felt that the name Lele was more suitable for her who is extremely cheerful and optimistic, so we changed her name.
We’re so gratified that after living in the shelter for two years, Lele finally met a family who appreciates her. Such a sweet and good girl like her definitely deserves a good home!
She has always been lively in the shelter, we don’t know why she turned over and lay on floor the whole time she arrived at the event venue, just like she had a hangover 😂 It attracted the attention of many people, it seems that this is her exclusive strategy to find a home 😂
You can scroll through the photos to view more doggos and kitties who’re still waiting for home 🙌🏻 Adopt one instead of buying to save life.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/5937248336321..
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