Pics For Illustration Purpose Only. Dear All,. Ple..
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Dear all,
Please also pass this message to your friends and relatives. The last few days has seen the rescue of many pedigree dogs – we will be posting about them soon.
Almost all were clearly dumped and had serious health issues. When you buy a purebred for thousands of ringgit, please be prepared to also spend generously on their eventual veterinary care.
One of the main reasons behind these serious health issues is unethical breeding a.k.a backyard breeding and puppy mills.
If you go to some pet shops that sell purebreds, they will never disclose where the puppies come from.
This itself should ring alarm bells. By right they should disclose to you the breeder’s information.
Backyard breeders and puppy mills are known to practise unscrupulous breeding – using mothers to breed with their sons, fathers with their daughters and siblings with each other.
This is blatant inbreeding which results in poor quality puppies with various issues related to health and even temperament.
We cannot tell you not to buy pedigrees as it is your right to do so – but if you do please make sure they are from an MKA registered home breeder who you can visit and access for yourself if he is ethical or not.
Ensure the sire (father) and the dam (mother) are not related and the appearance of the parents will indicate to you whether they are ethically bred or otherwise.
We also cannot completely call for breeding to be stopped as it means we are propagating for entire breeds to be wiped out. That would be endorsing doggy genocide and genocide is both cruel and highly unethical.
So, if you want to get a healthy pedigree, get it from a proper breeder and not an inbreed supplied by a backyard breeder. Ask the home breeder to keep the puppy for at least three to four months before you take it in so that it can get the best from its mother as well as develop a happy personality playing with its siblings.
When you stop buying cheap pedigrees from unscrupulous backyard breeders and puppy mills – you can stop the demand and put them out of their dastardly breeding. And the dumping of sick old inbreed pedigrees will also stop.
Footnote: How are the dogs treated in puppy mills and how will it affect the puppy’s development? THIS IS FROM DOGS EMPIRE.
– Dogs are confined in poor living environment that are dirty and overcrowded with very minimal shelter. They may suffer from extreme weather and have no choice but to sit and sleep in their own stool. Since the puppy has always confined too close to their stool, it may damage the puppy’s natural instinct to keep their eating/sleeping areas clean.
– These commercial breeding kennels can keep hundreds of dogs in cages for their entire lives to breed continuously. When they can no longer breed, they will be destroyed or discarded.
– Puppies are taken away from their mothers and littermates at early age in order to be in the pet shop’s display window at their cutest times. Puppies who received minimal or improper socialisation in their puppyhood may develop serious behaviour problems. For example, puppies who left their mother and littermates too early can develop biting problems, because they have missed out the early bite inhibition in the litter.
– Dogs are only provided the very minimum requirements to keep them alive and able to breed. They are not necessarily physically and/or mentally healthy. Lack of nutritious or clean food and water lead to malnutrition or starvation. Dogs that are sick or dying receive little of no veterinary care.
– Reliable temperaments and genetic health are not put into considerations when breeding. A mentally unhealthy fearful mother can transmit her fears to her puppies. Any genetic health issues from parents can also pass onto the puppies. The decisions on which male and female to use are only based on profitability, maximise the number of puppies in the shortest time.
– Due to the poor living condition, puppy mills are not open to public, purchasers cannot meet the puppy’s parents. – DOGS EMPIRE.
Dear all,
Please also pass this message to your friends and relatives. The last few days has seen the rescue of many pedigree dogs – we will be posting about them soon.
Almost all were clearly dumped and had serious health issues. When you buy a purebred for thousands of ringgit, please be prepared to also spend generously on their eventual veterinary care.
One of the main reasons behind these serious health issues is unethical breeding a.k.a backyard breeding and puppy mills.
If you go to some pet shops that sell purebreds, they will never disclose where the puppies come from.
This itself should ring alarm bells. By right they should disclose to you the breeder’s information.
Backyard breeders and puppy mills are known to practise unscrupulous breeding – using mothers to breed with their sons, fathers with their daughters and siblings with each other.
This is blatant inbreeding which results in poor quality puppies with various issues related to health and even temperament.
We cannot tell you not to buy pedigrees as it is your right to do so – but if you do please make sure they are from an MKA registered home breeder who you can visit and access for yourself if he is ethical or not.
Ensure the sire (father) and the dam (mother) are not related and the appearance of the parents will indicate to you whether they are ethically bred or otherwise.
We also cannot completely call for breeding to be stopped as it means we are propagating for entire breeds to be wiped out. That would be endorsing doggy genocide and genocide is both cruel and highly unethical.
So, if you want to get a healthy pedigree, get it from a proper breeder and not an inbreed supplied by a backyard breeder. Ask the home breeder to keep the puppy for at least three to four months before you take it in so that it can get the best from its mother as well as develop a happy personality playing with its siblings.
When you stop buying cheap pedigrees from unscrupulous backyard breeders and puppy mills – you can stop the demand and put them out of their dastardly breeding. And the dumping of sick old inbreed pedigrees will also stop.
Footnote: How are the dogs treated in puppy mills and how will it affect the puppy’s development? THIS IS FROM DOGS EMPIRE.
– Dogs are confined in poor living environment that are dirty and overcrowded with very minimal shelter. They may suffer from extreme weather and have no choice but to sit and sleep in their own stool. Since the puppy has always confined too close to their stool, it may damage the puppy’s natural instinct to keep their eating/sleeping areas clean.
– These commercial breeding kennels can keep hundreds of dogs in cages for their entire lives to breed continuously. When they can no longer breed, they will be destroyed or discarded.
– Puppies are taken away from their mothers and littermates at early age in order to be in the pet shop’s display window at their cutest times. Puppies who received minimal or improper socialisation in their puppyhood may develop serious behaviour problems. For example, puppies who left their mother and littermates too early can develop biting problems, because they have missed out the early bite inhibition in the litter.
– Dogs are only provided the very minimum requirements to keep them alive and able to breed. They are not necessarily physically and/or mentally healthy. Lack of nutritious or clean food and water lead to malnutrition or starvation. Dogs that are sick or dying receive little of no veterinary care.
– Reliable temperaments and genetic health are not put into considerations when breeding. A mentally unhealthy fearful mother can transmit her fears to her puppies. Any genetic health issues from parents can also pass onto the puppies. The decisions on which male and female to use are only based on profitability, maximise the number of puppies in the shortest time.
– Due to the poor living condition, puppy mills are not open to public, purchasers cannot meet the puppy’s parents. – DOGS EMPIRE.
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