
Eng. If You Think Animals Don't Have Emotions, It'..


(eng 👇🏻) 你以为动物没有情感,那是因为你根本不了解它们…小动物间伟大的母爱,总是让我们一次又一次感动落泪 💔






我们把小狗狗关在笼子里来诱惑狗妈妈,心急的狗妈妈为了救孩子,一样不考虑自己的安危,毫不犹豫的冲进捕狗笼里 😭 不到五分钟就抓到她了



这就是浪浪的命运…..要一家平安齐聚,是个多么遥不可及的梦 😢


而还有另外一只落单的小黑宝宝,其实就是上个周末在宠物展被领养的小黑哦! 🥳 刚好有活动,我们想不如就带他去碰碰运气,没想到就这样被领养了 🥳

狗妈妈已安排送往结扎,如有朋友愿意收留这母爱满满、灵性满满的狗妈妈,可以让我们知道 🙏🏻🙏🏻



If you think animals don’t have emotions, it’s because you don’t understand them at all.

The great maternal love among small animals always moves us to tears again and again 💔

Recently, a caring feeder asked us for help, saying that she could not able to trap a black dog mother for spaying.

The black dog mama is a mountain dog, and she often walks on the hill directly opposite her house with her three little black babies.

The kind feeder aunty decided to help take in two of her puppies to save their life.

But she didn’t expect that after adopting the puppies and bringing them home, the dog mama was so anxious. She was very afraid of people, but she desperately sneaked into the aunty’s house, trying to save her babies out, but when she couldn’t save the baby, she kept crying at the front gate, keep calling her babies.

She kept howling until midnight … The aunty was worried that the dog mama would disturb the neighbors, so she messaged us anxiously in the middle of the night, asking if we could go over immediately and help to trap the mother first, and then arrange for the spaying.

At that time, our volunteers were trapping strays in another place. Worrying that the residents might file a complaint against the dog mama, also it would be very dangerous to release the puppies back on the street, so we decided to rush to the aunty’s house first.

We put the puppies in a cage to seduce the mother dog. In order to save her children, the anxious dog mama rushed into the trap cage without hesitation 😭 we caught her in less than five minutes.

This mother dog is really full of maternal love. We felt so sad when we saw it, because she doesn’t even have the ability to protect herself, let alone protect her children ……

If the puppies were returned to her, the final outcome is either that all four members of the family will die together, or some of them will encounter accidents. This is the fate of the stray animals ….. It is such an unattainable dream for the whole family to get together safely 😢

Aunty said that she couldn’t adopt the mother dog, because she tried so hard only to have the unanimous consent of her family to take in the two little ones. She could only feed and take care of the mother dog every day after the release.

And there is another little black baby left, it is actually the little baby who was adopted at the pet expo last weekend! 🥳 Since there was a pet event, so we thought we might as well bring him to try his luck, he was really lucky to find a home 🥳

The mother dog has been arranged to be spayed. If there are friends who are willing to take in this mother dog who is full of maternal love and spirituality, please let us know 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Although their family cannot be together forever, but it’s the greatest consolation that they are all safe and fine now ….🌹

Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/5727600120619..



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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