Jacky Boy is now around 9 months old, and is really a bundle of energy!
When you take him for a walk, it is him that walked you, not the other way round.. And since most of us are no match for him, we will make sure the surrounding area has no other male dogs and let him run around. He will dash to one end of the shed, and then turn around the run to the other end..
~Run here, run there~
~Sniff here, Sniff there ~
~Rest a while to hydrate himself_
~Then it’s time to leash him and put him back into the cage~
*sigh* We don’t really have a choice but to cage him and let him run around once a day.. but since there are more than one male dog in the shed, they are most likely to get into fights. We can’t be around 24-7 to watch over them and stop the fights.. therefore we have no choice but to resort to confining the male dogs separately into cage.