We have make several appeals for donation and contribution in so many occasions that we’re pretty much thick faced by now @_@
Today we like to appeal for donation of dogs and cats food ( yes.. cat too ). Our shelter may not house any cats but Aunty Kiew dutifully feed the stray cats near her place everyday. We’re currently running low on canned food.
Canned food is pretty much a privileged meal in the shed.. As we have limited amount of canned food, we mostly mixed it with rice and serve, or only serve it to the furrizens that we find having no appetite.. We would absolutely loved to feed them yummy food, but due to budget constraint, the furrizens main meal consist of kibbles ( many many thanks to everyone for donating the kibbles, it really help us save lots of $$ which in turn is used to cover the furrizen’s medical fee ) and rice with vege/meat/egg mixture.
But most importantly is of coz what the furrizens think.. so we did a quick survey with the furrizens..