Updates On Amiras 11 Cats/kittens
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I managed to speak with our vet regarding Amira’s cats/kittens. Client confidentiality is to be respected, so our vet cannot reveal details. Suffice to say that one kitten (who passed on yesterday) was already dying and could not be saved, but the rest was not in dire straits at all. It was just a case of needing proper advice on how to manage the herd.
Amira said the little one passed on after her mother nursed her. Sad, but it has already happened and all things happen for a reason. Let’s hope Amira will now manage the rest more effectively so that the little one would not have died in vain.
Updates from Amira this morning:
Pagi tadisemua dah bangun..termasuk yang kecik..nampak dah makin aktif sebab mak dia dah mula susukan sepenuhnya..cuma semua anak kucing tak mahu dipisahkan dari satu ibu..tiap kali diasingkan anak kucing yang dah sebulan akan buat bising..
Amira is thankful for all she had learnt from the vet and she will go back to seek help with her other cats/kittens.
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/09/updates-on-amiras-11-catskittens/
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