
Updates On Popeye



Popeye was rescued by a kind girl but both his eyes were found to be completely ruptured. We recommended our vet and the lady brought Popeye for a consultation. Surgery was advised and Popeye underwent the surgery to have both eyes removed to prevent further infection.


The girl and her family decided to adopt Popeye as their pet, despite his blindness. The girl has requested anonymity.

Here are updates from her:

Just updating you about Popeye’s condition. He’s doing really well right now. Walking around on his own, he’s pretty much mapped our floor and his whiskers have grown back, so he’s not knocking into things as much. He’s also become a little spoilt, refusing to eat dry food and wants only wet food. Would like to do a pictoral comment but I don’t know how to do this in email.

Popeyegettingsome loving from Mommy!

*Lick Lick Lick* *Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

Being a baby again!

Close up of his face

I’m not giving up!


28-2-2012 -Pictures were taken the night of his surgery.He’s got scabs on his face due to the vet shaving his fur off and his skin was uneven.

We thought he got pneumonia and were concerned that his life might bethreatenedas he just had surgery. brought him back to the vet a few days later. They said it’s because of his tear ducts still being active, best example given was when we cry, our nose gets runny right? It’s the same thing.

All healed up and fur growing back! His flu is still there but it’s pretty much cleared.

Ooohh yeah… That feels so good…..
Again Thank you
Thank YOU, our dear anonymous angel, for rescuing, caring for and giving Popeye a loving forever home!Angels do exist, if we look hard enough.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/08/updates-on-popeye/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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