
Amiras Smallest Kitten Passes On



From Amira moments ago:

Dr Chan,this is last picture for the smallest kitten..The sick one that died at home after the mum feed her.The picture is taken after see the vet and on the way home..kindly,I apologize for the trouble that I have made today..Thank you so much for you and your friend help..

We are not sure what happened with this kitten. Perhaps it was too late to save its life.

My reply to Amira:


Lain kali, kalau kucing sakit, mesti hantar ke vet secepat mungkin. Kalau tidak, mereka mungkin kehilangan nyawa macam kucing kecil ini.

Yang lain macam mana?
I’m trying to contact our vet to find out just what was wrong with her kittens.Amira replied to say she has learnt her lesson this time. The other 11 are alright. She will be sending a male cat for neutering next week.We have offered our medical subsidy and also spay-neuter subsidy, but Amira has politely declined. She told me she did not realise that vet charges could be this affordable and had always thought it was very high. Hence, her plea for help. Now that she knows it is affordable, she says she will pay the charges herself.

I’m glad that by extending a helping hand to Amira, she is now aware of many things which she was previously ignorant of.

Sometimes, all it takes is to reach out and lift someone up.

And because of that one small gesture, they can now stand on their own.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/08/amiras-smallest-kitten-passes-on/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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