Raising Medical Funds For 5 Rescued Puppies From T..
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Rescued 5 puppies from the drain
These 5 puppies were rescued from a big and deep drain by some feeders around Puchong area. The puppies were rescued once and released back to the same areas so that they can unite with their mama dog. Unfortunately, all these puppies fell again into the same dirty drain! the feeders and one of our volunteers have to rescue these poor puppies again and later found out that one of the puppies’ backs had a very bad maggot wound. The puppies were rescued after trying for almost more than 3 hours in the middle of a rainy night…..
After rescuing the puppies, 5 of them were sent to St. Angel, one of the 24 hours emergency clinics. They were treated with antibiotics, deworm and frontline for the ticks as well as taken for a good shower. Besides having some skin problems, 4 puppies were declared for clean bill of health. The maggot wound puppy unfortunately has to stay a bit longer at the clinic for the maggot wound treatment.
4 puppies were discharged yesterday and sent to the shelter so that they can be nursed back to health and subsequently, will be rehomed. As of yesterday, the bills incurred are already up to RM2,144.00. As much as SCAS would want to absorb the bill, at the same time, we also try to raise some medical funds for these poor puppies.
No amount is too small and if you are keen to support the puppy’s medical fund, you can bank into SCAS MBB account @ 5628 5210 4418 and state “Puchong 5 rescued puppies medical fund”
Rescued works like this are never-ending and exhausting, hence, SCAS never stops emphasizing the importance of neutering/spaying your pets/strays, so that suffering like this can be reduced.
Thank you very much for supporting SCAS.
Source: https://www.facebook.com/123225317770742/posts/5178192918940..
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