
The Rescuers (and Hoarders) Defend Themselves


There certainly has been an influx of applicants asking for help recently and I’m actually caught in a rather difficult situation of whether “to help or not to help”. So, help me out, please. I’d like your opinion on the following cases. I’m running a poll here, and would appreciate your answers YES/NO to the following questions:

1. Knowing that she cannot manage financially, physically and emotionally, a rescuer keeps taking in the animals dumped at her doorstep. Is she deserving of help?

2. Knowing that she cannot manage financially, physically and emotionally, a rescuer still takes in animals from the street because she cannot “turn a blind eye”. She doesn’t stop, she just keeps taking in, then she shouts out for help. Is she deserving of help?

3. Knowing that she doesn’t have the financial means, a rescuer keeps taking in street animals because she knows she can apply for help. Is she deserving of help?

4. Because of Nos 1-3, a rescuer ends up with “too many” animals. She is then asked to rehome them, but she refuses because she doesn’t think anyone can take care of her animals as well as she does. Hence, she ends up with more and more and she now asks for help. Is she deserving of help?

5. A rescuer finds pregnant animals dumped at her doorstep all the time. Knowing that she cannot keep anymore animals, she sends the pregnant animals to be spayed. Is she deserving of help?

6. A confirmed hoarder asks for help. Everyone who knows her tells you her very, very bad record of neglect (of the animals) and her unwillingness to change. Do you still want to give her a chance to learn and change so that her animals won’t continue to suffer?

Now, all I need from you is a simple YES/NO answers to the six questions above (leave a comment, pls). I am interested in the public’s opinion.

Thank you.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/03/04/the-rescuers-and-hoarders-defend-themselves/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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