Please Pray For Shy, Cat Suspected Of Having FIP (Jeannette Leongs)
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Jeannette wrote to me last week when a cat she rescued was suspected to have FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis).
From Jeannette:
Dear Kah Yein,
If indeed it is FIP, it is known to be an incurable disease and the recommended “treatment” is palliative care and to make the cat as comfortable as possible, I’ve asked Jeannette for a photo so that we can all pray for Shy (the cat) so that she may be comfortable and free from pain. I’ve also asked Jeannette to seek a second opinion from our vet on how to help and care for Shy. There is a chance it may NOT be FIP. The fluids from the lungs can be drained out and that would give some relief to Shy.
I can only hope now that Jeannette will not delay in bringing Shy to see our vet, at least for a second opinion.
Meanwhile, please pray for Shy to be well, and please let’s pray Jeannette will take Shy to the vet’s for another diagnosis. We have offered our medical subsidy.
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