
These 4 Kittens Were Found Behind Our Cattery In R..


These 4 kittens were found behind our cattery in Rawang. One kitten ( the orange tabby ) was meowing frantically for food. We thought there was just one kitten but there were 4, hungry for food.

Later we were told by a resident there saying that the mother was no where to be seen and a boy in the neighbourhood gave them some milk earlier. But they were not safe there, one of the kittens dropped into a drain nearby. We picked him up and took them in because we don’t think they can survive on their own.

Sometimes these questions popped into our heads, can we keep taking in? the answer is no. Can we leave them be? We don’t think we can sleep at night. It’s a very torn situation. That’s why we need you to adopt. Otherwise, please support us so we can help them. We really don’t mind the extra works. We can’t be hands on and at the same time, generate funds to sustain our cause. We don’t have the manpower and time to do so. At least not now.

If you believe our works, please contribute to our plights for funds, we desperately need them to move forward for their sake. Thank you.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/tnrmmalaysia/videos/502805880721505..


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