Jenna Liew: Help Save Our Turtles!
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We’re honoured to have Jenna share a little backstory with us, a story that we hope will inspire the younger generations in Malaysia to become stewards of our environment and wildlife.
We’re also thrilled to have both Jenna and Ethan, and their respective Moms on a live chat which is happening this coming Saturday, 5th March at 10:00 am on our TCS Facebook page (poster in comments).
We hope you’ll be able to join us this weekend! Meanwhile, if you’d like to purchase a set of turtle postcards, please head on to
Since January, we have raised more than RM3,000 from the sale of the postcard sets!
#upcycledgifts #upcycledkeychains #recycledfashion #turtleconservation #saveturtles #plasticfreeoceans #empoweringchildren #publicawareness #fundraising
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