Eng Ver. Corgi Things. Corgi Things1kg39115kgcorgi..
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感谢商家 Corgi things 的爱心给力 ❤️🙏
Corgi Things今年所举办的新年暖狗包活动中,每售出一个暖狗包捐出1KG狗粮,共为园区筹募到了391包15KG新年狗粮,感恩Corgi Things和每一位善友的爱心支持,谢谢大家 💞🐶😺
最后一天了大家也可帮忙捐助新年狗粮噢!让我们3,000+只毛孩们能过个安稳好年 💞🙏 捐新年狗粮活动只到今天 (1/27) 的晚间8PM,过后我们就需和供应商订购立马安排运输了
预祝大家新年快乐,虎哩平安健康好事來 ~ 🐯
#捐献新年狗粮 👇
Thanks for the love from the merchant Corgi Things ❤️🙏
In this year’s CNY event organized by Corgi Things, 1KG dog food was donated for each doggie goodie bag sold, and a total of 391 15KG CNY dog food were raised for our shelter. Thanks to Corgi Things and every kind friend for your superb support, thank you all 💞🐶😺
You can also help to donate CNY dog kibbles in this very last day! Let our 3,000+ rescued furries have a warm and happy new year 💞🙏 The CNY dog food donation event is only until 8PM today (1/27), after that we need to order from our supplier.
Wishing everyone luck, love, and health this Chinese New Year. 🐯
Source: https://www.facebook.com/134246123288268/posts/4847400861972..
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