
Help Needed To Catch And Rehome Two Stray Dogs (Hanie Razaifs)


Hanie Razaif wrote to me on 23rd Feb, with a huge problem – some stray dogs on her street were (still are) attacking her cats, resulting in the death of a few of her cats. These dogs were also attacking the children and joggers. Hanie does not want to call the council, knowing the fate of the dogs, but she is at her wit’s end, trying to find solution.

If you have any idea to help, please contact Hanie atkristalchampagne@gmail.com.

Here is her dilemma:

Dear Dr Chan,
Hope this email will find you well. I need your help. There are two stray dogs that sleeps and practically live at the end of my street in the housing area. They have been terrorizing the cats in theneighborhood, joggers, kids, guards. So far 6 of my cats have died after being attacked by them.
I have run out of options not to call the council knowing for a fact that they will be pts. I have called a few NGOs, but is delayed in getting a response (maybe busy), private dog catchers (also pts). But yesterday another one of my cats died. Any idea how to manage this? This is so difficult.
Thanks Doc.

I thought about Hanie’s problem and also consulted a few friends and we all agreed there are only the following options, if we do not want the council to get involved (certain death for the dogs):

1. Confine Hanie’s cats so that they will be safe. If they continue roaming freely, the dogs might attack them again.
2. Seek help from rescue groups to catch the dogs and get them rehomed. Catching may be feasible, but rehoming aggressive dogs? Not easy…

So, this was conveyed to Hanie, with my heartfelt empathy. Given the difficulty of No.2, if I were in such a situation, I’d just confine my cats.

Hello Dr Chan

Thanks so much for your quick response. I know that this is not easy. As it is, I am so torn but if I have to choose – cats and stray dogs – the answer will be obvious. Most of the cats are confined in cages except those big ones who come and go but to me why would I want to confine all of them 24/7 because of the dogs who are so garang. The neighbours here have cats too, and they would come to my house to eat sometimes.
The dogs used to only come out at nite but looks like they have come out in day time too.
Yes please if you can help me I would really, really appreciate it.
At the moment, I am writing to another NGO and a few others for options. I am tired of crying – for my cats and my neighbours.
Thanks for hearing me out. I will update you on news.

As of now, Hanie has confined her cats, but they are not happy.

If you can help with suggestions, or offer physical help, please write directly to Hanie, or leave a comment on this post.


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/29/help-needed-to-catch-and-rehome-two-stray-dogs-hanie-razaifs/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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