
Rescued Purebreds Need Fosterers/adopters (Gina Lim And Yulis)



More from Gina (ginalim02@gmail.com):

Dear Dr Chan,
I am Gina, friend of Yuli’s. I believe she has been in contact with you about 4 dogs being abandoned by their owner at a petshopand that we rescued them out today. Yuli may be out of touch for awhile due to personal reasons so I’m here to touch base with you on the subsidy for the dogs’ medical care. Due to them having Scabies and being contagious we had no choice but to put them up for boarding at the vets. None of the potential adoptions went through due tothem already having their own dogs in the house. We could not wait any longer as we knew the longer the dogs stayed in the shop the worst their conditions will be. I know Yuli have sent you some photos, there are more photos of these poor dogsposted hereon FB:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150631428799812&set=a.10150577503104812.406519.789494811&type=3&theater
We are urgently seeking forpeople to adopt these 4 after their treatment and recovery at the vets which should take about 2 to 3 weeks. If there are no adopters by then, we are also seeking for temporary foster homes for them while waiting for adoptions. If you could help us share the news it would be much appreciated. I can be contacted at 012-4802666 for adoption enquiries.
Thank you so much for your help andfor all the things that you are doing for all the poor animals.
Since Gina and Yuli are applying to multiple funds, our new Multiple Fund Policy applies:

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/27/rescued-purebreds-need-fosterersadopters-gina-lim-and-yulis/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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