
How Did Diva Get Onto The Road Divider In OKR?


Mary and I were wondering all evening…

Not that it is of any use to speculate, but here are some possibilities:

1. Diva broke away from her litter, walked across three lanes at midnight (without getting knocked down – a bit far-fetched, I know) and landed at the divider but could not climb up. That stopped her and hence, she clung onto it until spotted by Mary.

2. Someone drove her there and she fell out of the car window?

3. Someone drove her there to be dumped (I know, that’s plain cruel, but it isn’t entirely impossible, knowing what humans are like).

Mary said she had heard of kittens crawling into car engines and going “for a ride” until they drop off from the car engine and land up on the road.

Well, I have heard from a friend who said it’s very common (in her community) for pet cats to crawl into the car (especially the back seat) while the family is loading the car, and the cat then goes for a ride to a new destination, and when the family unloads at the new place, the cat escapes and gets lost in the new environment.

Well, like I said, it’s not important to know how Diva got onto the divider in the middle of a three-lane highway, but the thought of her being so frightened as she clung onto the divider sends shivers down my spine, so I’d rather not even think about it.

After a good sleep just now, Diva woke up and starting mewing. I thought she was hungry, but she refused food. Well, she had a big meal this evening, but to be on the safe side, I force-fed her just a bit, just in case.

But she still has not pee-ed or poo-ed, so I stimulated her privates with a wet cloth (this is the biggest kitten I’ve ever had to stimulate for pee and poo!) and a fair quantity of urine was excreted.

I’m beginning to think that Diva is extremely young as she doesn’t know how to lap yet. She must have been still being nursed by her mom. Poor thing…

She cannot even lap water or milk. I have to syringe feed liquids.

And maybe she has not learnt how to pee and poo by herself, so the stimulation is necessary.

She came out for a walkabout and then went back on her own into her cage and sat inside her litter-box!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/02/27/how-did-diva-get-onto-the-road-divider-in-okr/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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